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Cassie, Natavia, & KT create comedy sketches and short films as

The Lemon League.


Follow their YouTube adventures here:

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Does being a millenial feel like being on a boat in the middle of the ocean that's full of spiders, and that ocean is also made of spiders, and the boat is speedily sinking into the ocean of spiders?

Meanwhile, you're being stopped from entering the life boat because you can't afford the service fee.




If your life feels like a garbage fire, and you can't afford the anxiety meds that help you deal with said garbage fire, then welcome!

You are among friends.


Growing up, the fucking patriarchy always told us that if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade.

But what if you show up and there are no lemons?

What if you can't afford the sugar, or even clean water, because  nobody understands that minimum wage has to keep up with inflation or that you probably shouldn't put a pipeline next to fresh drinking water?


What do you do then?

We don't fucking know. you fucking know?
Can you helps us?
Please help us.


Anyhoo, we're in this together. We're going to flash the world with our light. Right from out our satanic female nipplies.

We'll give you unsolicited advice on how to be a better, healthier minded person, even when the cake is gone, the coffee is cold, and we're all standing next to your shoes. #mngoodbye

You are not alone. Let's laugh through this storm together.  Let's find our hope again, and giggle at the bleak comedy of it all.

Everything is going to be fine. 

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